Posts Tagged ‘san jose’
LHS Episode #021: OSCON 2009 Update 2
Here is the second and final installment of the special OSCON update for Linux in the HAM Shack. In this episode I examine the second half of my trip to San Jose, California, and the O’Reilly Open Source Convention. I talk about sessions I attended dealing with subjects as diverse as patents and legal issues, processor speed, cloud computing, users as Open Source advocates and, yes, evening programming in Klingon. I also take a trip through The Tech Museum of Innovation, an institution run entirely using Open Source. So sit back and enjoy this special report from OSCON and as always, thanks for being a loyal listener to the program.
Don’t forget to leave us voice feedback or questions. We’d love to put you on the air. And we know how ham radio operators often have the gift for gab. So let it out. Don’t be shy. Linux in the HAM shack wants YOU.
73 de Russ, K5TUX