Posts Tagged ‘Operating. DX’

Getting ready

The battery is charging and my Lowepro 150 with the KX3 station is ready and raring to go for FOBB tomorrow.

I sincerely hope the weather is better tomorrow, compared to today.  We’ve had heavy, gray, overcast skies all day.  It was threatening to rain all day and in fact, did. from about 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM or so.  No heavy downpours; but if I were outside operating, it would have been enough to force me indoors.

This afternoon, I was able to break the pileup and work 2012L, the Olympics Special Event station on 17 Meters.  I heard them again tonight on 30 Meters; but their signal was not as strong as on 17 Meters this afternoon.

So I decided to frustrate myself for a while and try to bust the pileup working CY9M on 30 Meters.  The pileup covered a 10 kHz patch of spectrum and after a while, I realized I wasn’t going to cut it this night with 5 Watts.  I have worked St. Paul Island years ago; but never QRP.  They’re there till Wednesday, so I have a few more times to give it a shot.  I have them for DXCC credit already, so if I don’t get them in the log, I won’t lose any sleep.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

This is the kind of thing I need

to lift my spirits, even if it’s lifting them just by a hair.

Thanks, Jim!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

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