Posts Tagged ‘NS Spring Ladder VIII’
3830 Claimed Scores | 2010 NS Spring Ladder VIII | Low Power
- NO3M | 45 Qs | 34 Mults | 1,530 Points [NCC].
- K4BAI | 44 Qs | 33 Mults | 1,452 Points [SECC].
- W4OC | 43 Qs | 32 Mults | 1,376 Points [SECC].
n = 10 scores submitted in this division.
East Central Single Operator.
- N4OGW | 54 Qs | 34 Mults | 1,836 Points [ACG].
- W9RE | 49 Qs | 31 Mults | 1,519 Points [SMC].
- K9BGL | 48 Qs | 30 Mults | 1,440 Points [SMC].
n = 14 scores submitted in this division.
West Central Single Operator.
- N3BB | 55 Qs | 40 Mults | 2,160 Points [CTDXCC].
- WD0T (@KD0S) | 51 Qs | 34 Mults | 1,734 Points.
- W0BH | 49 Qs | 30 Mults | 1,470 Points.
n = 9 scores submitted in this division.
West Single Operator.
- W7WHY | 41 Qs | 26 Mults | 1,066 Points [WVDXC].
- VA7ST | 25 Qs | 22 Mults | 550 Points.
- NG7M | 25 Qs | 17 Mults | 425 Points [Utah Contest Club].
n = 3 scores submitted in this division.
NCCC in CA/NV Single Operator.
- N6RO | 50 Qs | 34 Mults | 1,700 Points.
- W0YK | 48 Qs | 34 Mults | 1,632 Points [Loma Prieta Contest].
- N6ZFO | 46 Qs | 32 Mults | 1,472 Points.
n = 7 scores submitted in this division.
Thursday Night Madness resumes its eighth season and the fastest 30 minutes in RadioSport is better than ever. This week’s club banner position goes to the Central Texas DX and Contest Club lead by the looming 100 foot tower himself — Jim, N3BB.
His accomplishment was not a given with N4OGW and W9RE competing in round one of the NS Spring Ladder. Undoubtedly, Jim’s commitment to the mantra of practice, practice, practice paid handsome dividends both for himself and the club. An accomplishment well executed from his location.
Please take note, the fastest 30 minutes in RadioSport affectionately known as Thursday Night Madness, reorganized its divisions this season — West, West Central, East Central, and Atlantic.
Contest on!