Posts Tagged ‘2012dxpedition’

DXpedition Basics By Wayne Mills, N7NG

DXpedition Basics Written By Wayne Mills, N7NG

Good morning from the #hamr shackadelic zone where I’m listening to our local repeater or in today’s vernacular lurking the frequency. Also, my weather report from near the beach is overcast, cool, expecting rain, and choppy surf conditions. It is the kind of day where I’m knocking to-do objectives off my list and enjoying life.

Wayne Mills, N7NG author of DXpedition Basics suggested, “But when DXpedition organizers accept contributions and support, there is an implicit, and even maybe an explicit obligation to conform to certain operating criterion. Specifically, organizations which funnel money to DXpedition groups for the benefit of the DXing community have become more particular about whom they support. Their assistance often demands minimum standards of operating proficiency, and may depend on the track record of the group. Following a few simple rules can go far in assuring the success of a DXpedition effort.” (p 2, 1994)

Mills stated, “In fact, many have said that the DXpedition operator is responsible for the conduct and outcome of an expedition, and that, indeed, the pileups in a sense mirror the DXpedition operator. The DXpedition operator must be in command, but just how is that accomplished?” (p 2, 1994)

Lastly, Mills suggested a fundamental premise for expeditions, “We will start with the premise that the overall objective of the DXpedition is for DXers around the world to simply have fun. With rare exceptions, no expeditioner ever expects to profit from his DXpeditioning activities. Rather, considerable expenses are incurred primarily in transportation costs and loss of employment income. This is a fact; chiseled in stone!” (p 3, 1994)

I’m sad to read that a highly successful year of DXpeditioning is coming to a close with a disruptive footnote attached to its banner resume for our ham radio community. It seems to me that Wayne Mills, N7NG in association with the American Radio Relay League and the International DX Association sought solutions to perplexing questions more than a decade ago.

We are fast arriving or if not have already arrived, where it is time to start this conversation anew, in lieu of significant technological and social change. Thus far, leading donor organizations remain silent in an age of unparalleled communications and intense social engagement.

I recommend downloading DXpedition Basics, print, review, then take it with you to the next gathering and renew this decade old conversation that better reflects ham radio in the 21st Century.

73 from the shackadelic near the beach.  

Scott, W4PA Swarm Management Suggestion

Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 06:48:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Scott Robbins
To: [email protected]
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Running the pile

Just returned from West Africa Toivo. Your approach works there as well. The only difference was, I had to ID every 6 or 7 QSO when pileup was really heavy. There are other methods of pileup management such as turning output power down, increase CW speed and split as the last resort. But most important the operator should be able to sustain rate of 200 + QSO per hour. If DX op is slow it irritates everybody…

Also on pileup management – turn the IF SHIFT or PBT control on your rig on top of the pile way off to the side of the BW filter. Once you have an effective filter BW of something close to zero you’ll hear one or two stations at a time even if the pileup is at blizzard level and don’t have to resort to the RIT. I’ve employed this many times, including last weekend’s CQ WW CW @PJ4D. 
73 Scott Robbins W4PA

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