Radio time
This weekend was a bit out of the ordinary for me. I actually got to spend some time behind the radio, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! This was probably due to the fact that I got our weekly grocery shopping done Thursday night in anticipation of the Nor’Easter that visited us on Friday. Plus the fact that I pretty much stayed put and did not venture out much.
In addition to working just a tiny bit of DX, I also engaged in several nice rag chews this weekend, of which a couple were 2X QRP. I didn’t work any new countries, but did get Senegal, Nicaragua, and Providencia Island among others in the log.
15 Meters seemed to be open on Saturday and a for a little bit on Sunday. I really didn’t hear much of anything on 12 Meters and didn’t hear anything on 10 Meters, either. 17 and 20 Meters were their normal selves.
I also played with both rigs this weekend, the K3 and the KX3. I am noticing that I am running into more K3s on the air than I have in the past.
I have so many things that I want to accomplish. I need to finish that last 10% of organizing the shack. I would like to hook up the K3 and do some experimenting with WSPR. I’d also like to get started on building my Pig Rig.
So much to do, so little time!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
Any word on what is left of Providencia and Catalina Islands of Colombia due to Hurricane IOTA?