Quick update on TI7/K2DBK

I just wanted to post a very quick update regarding my TI7/K2DBK operation that’s coming up in a few days. I see that my announcement to the various DX Publicity sources that I’ve collected has done the job, as I’ve been mentioned in most of the major DX announcement lists. As mentioned, this is a “holiday-style” operation which means that operating will take place when I’m at the QTH where I’m staying (as opposed to sightseeing, etc.)  and not otherwise occupied with other important things, like working on my suntan, swimming, or consuming the occasional “adult beverage”. (Come to think of it, I could do at least some of those while operating, but I think I’ll skip trying to operate from the swimming pool.)

Although I wasn’t home to take advantage, I noted that 6m was open today and if that happens again while I’m there, I’ll try to get on the air on that band. However, unless there’s some indication of a band opening I probably won’t spend much time just CQing since the lower bands should be more productive overall.

I had intended to post several updates this week, but as luck would have it this was an extremely busy week at work and I got home significantly later than usual and just haven’t had the time to update. I may post a few updates from Costa Rica when I’m there at which point I may have a better idea of when I’ll actually be on the air.

Until then, I’ve got to get back to packing.

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