Not a promising start
to the 2013/2014 Winter Fox Hunt season.
Tonight’s Foxes were Tom KV2X in Upstate NY, and Jim N0UR in MN. I was wary about even hearing Tom. NY to NJ on 40 Meters at night is a stretch. Usually the band is way too long for that, and tonight was no exception. But I was hearing a lot of the Hounds that were chasing Tom, especially the ones located in Wisconsin. To me, that indicated that working Jim was a high probability.
Except that it appears that Jim didn’t make it to the dance tonight. I didn’t hear him, and it appears (according to the e-mails that I am seeing on the QFOX reflector) that no one else did, either. I sure hope that nothing befell Jim and that he’s OK.
So I ended up getting skunked right out of the gate. Not the best of outcomes. On the bright side, “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” was pretty good tonight. You have to take your consolations where you can get them.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!