I spent all of Saturday monitoring the FreeDV suggested frequencies but so far I haven’t heard a thing. I am really surprised. Whenever a new data mode is announced the main problem is usually QRM as too many people pile eagerly on to the recommended frequencies. FreeDV is a development that is potentially as revolutionary for the hobby as the advent of SSB in the 1960s. I would have thought that more hams would want to be in at the start, especially as there is no cost apart from the time taken downloading the software.

Perhaps people just don’t know where to go. Since my last post I have discovered the FreeDV QSO Finder. This is a tool to enable potential users of FreeDV to find out where others are. Suggested frequencies are: 14.236, 7.190 and 5.4035, though I’ve seen people using other frequencies. This weekend’s contest will probably put the kibosh on attempts to set up contacts for now, but I hope for better luck next week when the bands are quieter.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

One Response to “No QSOs”

  • A soon as I can configure the audio in/out between my PC sound card and Signalink, I’ll give FreeDV a go with 5W from my QTH on the frequencies you mentioned. Without traffic to pick up off air, it’s more difficult to configure everything and get to know how the software works. Thanks for the update. 73, Rob.

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