New stations heard on 472khz WSPR

I’m finding it interesting to note how variable conditions can be on 472khz WSPR. Some days are distinctly better than others. It will be fascinating at some stage to try and correlate the various indices with improved reception/conditions.

Last evening was a good one and I copied a number of new stations; PA3FNY, G0HNW, DL3IKE and PA3EGO. New to me, that is. Nice too, to hear Paul G0HNW. I’m sure it’s a coincidence, but most of the stations I have heard up to now have been on an East-West axis, so good to hear someone from the north.

Remember all this is on unmodified, untuned kit, so I hope it serves as an encouragement to anyone else who might be interested to try and hear something!

Tim Kirby, G4VXE, is a regular contributor to and writes from Oxfordshire, England. Contact him at [email protected].

One Response to “New stations heard on 472khz WSPR”

  • Harry VO1HX:

    Comms on the MF Band shouldnt come as a surprise, I spent several years at sea in the days when ships carried Real Radio Operators. Comms were consistent daily even fro Newfoundland to coast stations in the british Isles with less than a KW on the MF Bands. This exercice doesnt produce any greal surprises/

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