Mapping the grid squares you’ve worked on VHF/UHF

I was playing around in the RSGB’s 432MHz activity contest last night (enjoyable but no-one terribly distant worked) when I saw a tweet go by, from AI4RI, I think, asking if anyone knew any tools for mapping the grid squares that they’ve worked at VHF.I use the Winlog32 logging program, written by Colin, G0CUZ which has some grid mapping capability built in – although it does not overlay the squares onto a map.Another tweet from AI4RI quickly appeared saying that he’d found the WorkedGrids software from VE2ZAZ. I’d seen it mentioned before but not tried it. The software installed quickly and I was able to point it at an ADIF file that Winlog32 had created. If you have a logging program that keeps the log in plain text, ADIF or Cabrillo then you can use WorkedGrids to scan the file automatically and plot your grids on a map. Winlog32 keeps the log in an Access database so I had to create an ADIF export and point WorkedGrids at that.WorkedGrids setup allows you to select which bands you are interested in, I chose 50,70,144 and 432MHz, but you could just as easily select other bands. Having done that, a basic but effective map was displayed, showing the grid squares I’d worked on each band.I seem to remember that DX Atlas by Afreet Software – as used by the FSDXA’s 3B9C expedition some years ago has a similar capability.

Tim Kirby, G4VXE, is a regular contributor to and writes from Oxfordshire, England. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “Mapping the grid squares you’ve worked on VHF/UHF”

  • GB KC5GB:

    Several years ago my xyl and I came to the same conclusion as your friend. We sold our home and moved into a condo in the same community. All the hassles gone…but no more beam!
    I’m fortunate enough to have a deck which will accommodate a mag loop. Although I can’t break pile-ups too well, I can still work DX barefoot when propagation is right.
    As complications continue to rise in the home owning world, I think we will see more of these working conditions for not only older but younger hams as well.
    I’m glad your friend and others like him continue to have the ham spirit.

  • Charlie AI4RI:

    WEEEE i’m famous LOL…. haven’t tried it yet, installed it after i sent that tweet..

    GB… although i work VHF a lot, I do work HF but only on 20m digi modes – usually either jt65 or psk. that way i can use less power and dont annoy the kids when they’re watching TV 🙂 I use an endfed for 20 and 10 and a small 3ele beam.

    all the antennas are at most 8ft off the ground. so far i’ve worked countless countries even australia on 20 meters jt65 🙂

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