Listening to Moonbounce on 1296MHz with your browser
I noticed today that the PI9CAM group who use a huge 25m diameter dish for 1296MHz moonbounce would be active. The great thing about these guys is that you can listen to their receiver using a WEBSDR receiver at
I took a very quick video – which isn’t great quality, but you’ll hear PI9CAM working a JA station. Remember the signals are bounced off the moon – a round trip around around 500,000 miles! You get a demonstration of the speed that radio signals travel at (the speed of light!) by listening to the echo from PI9CAM. You’ll hear him stop transmitting and then after a pause, you’ll hear the echo as it comes back from the moon.
A lot of EME takes place using the WSJT modes, but the contact on the video is in SSB – testament to the great equipment in use at PI9CAM! As I write this, I’m listening to LX1DB on SSB too – so I highly recommend you have a listen next time the group is active – check their webpage for details.