Kiwi online SDR G4DYA
The online G4DYA Kiwi SDR receiver is just 9 miles North of my QTH. Situated at Stone, Staffordshire. UK.
It has an excellent range of Amateur bands, and even goes down to LF 136KHz and 472KHz, it also has some good decoders built in to play around with for CW, PSK and even WSPR.
Ideal to test band conditions and your equipment.
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Fine SDR 7️⃣3️⃣
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your suggestion: I have just checked the G4DYA Kiwi SDR working fine with me but I was surprised on finding out an S5/S6 of QRM/QRN mainly on 30/40/80 similar to my situation in my QTH same since a few years which I was thinking due only to local manmade troubles.
So this will stop my tries on finding the cause….no hopes…
Best 73, Richard I1GXV
This SDR has local manmade troubles too. It’s in a suburban area.
73, Richard G4DYA