KComm is 2.0!

I have taken advantage of the poor propagation conditions – the WSPR application waterfall has been blank all day and just two stations have spotted my 10m beacons, while APRS on 30m is only just beginning to receive any other stations – to make available a new version of my logging program for Elecraft transceivers, KComm, which is now version 2.0.

The main difference in the new version is that the Elecraft KX3 is supported (though it could be used in older versions by pretending it is a K3.) I have also added an option for specifying alternative URLs such as QRZCQ.com for looking-up callsigns, so you can now say goodbye to logging in to QRZ.com every five minutes if you want to.

The other changes are all minor bug fixes and small improvements that probably no-one will notice.

My regrets to Linux users but I no longer have a Linux system available so I cannot provide a Linux archive of the new version. I really need a Linux user to install Lazarus and compile the source code then send me a new tar.gz file to put on the web site.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

4 Responses to “KComm is 2.0!”

  • Andrew, W8FI:

    I’m a linux (Ubuntu) and OSX user with experience building software. I can build your source on both environments (though the OSX version might prove more troublesome).

  • Andrew, W8FI:

    I’ve got the source, I’m working on setting up the FPC/Lazarus environment. I should have both to you tonight or tomorrow.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Thanks very much for offering your services I am a Mac and Ubuntu guy…..and windows.

  • Andrew, W8FI:

    I’m a bit confused at to how to invoke the compiler with the proper options. I’ve never used fpc or lazarus. Could you respond back with what I need to get this compiled down?


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