‘Ham Talk LIVE!’ weekly call-in show debuts Thursday, February 18

neil-rapp-wb9vpgNeil Rapp, WB9VPG, is taking to the Internet airwaves Thursday, February 18th at 9:00 pm Eastern (02:00 UTC) with a brand new live call-in podcast. Ham Talk LIVE! will feature general interest ham radio topics and special guests with a wide range of ham radio expertise.

Unlike traditional ham radio podcasts, Rapp says he hopes to create something a little different. “I really look forward to just doing some open line shows,” he says. “I want it to be a conversation and just talk about happenings more than just disseminating information. We already have people doing a great job with that, and I enjoy watching and listening to them.”

Thursday night’s episode will discuss DXing and contesting and will feature well-known DXer Dr. Scott Wright, KØMD. Next week he’ll host popular Amateur Radio Newsline anchor Don Wilbanks, AE5DW.


To tune into the show, you can visit HamTalkLive.com. To participate, listeners can either call Skype username ‘hamtalklive’ or dial (812) 638-4261. “I don’t have a call screener. Once I answer they will be on immediately so I won’t answer until I’m ready for the caller,” Rapp says.

The show will last 30 minutes each week. If listeners miss the live show, a downloadable podcast will be available on iTunes, Spreaker, and possibly other outlets soon after each broadcast.

If the format works out well, he may extend the show longer than the allotted thirty minutes. “If people listen, I’ll definitely extend the time,” he says.

Rapp is a high school chemistry teacher and sponsors the ham radio club at his school. He was first licensed in 1976 at the age of five. He is the recipient of the 2014 Indiana Radio Club Council Amateur of the Year award, the 2003 Indiana Radio Club Council Technical Excellence Award, and the 2004 ARRL Professional Educator of the Year award.

Matt Thomas, W1MST, is the managing editor of AmateurRadio.com. Contact him at [email protected].

One Response to “‘Ham Talk LIVE!’ weekly call-in show debuts Thursday, February 18”

  • Kevin, K4IVE:

    See if you can get Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB to fill in the April 14th slot!

    He is a lot of fun to watch and listen to!


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