Free QRP Book
Minimalist QRP Book V5.3 from IZ3AYQ
It's a free download:
There should be enough ideas contained in it's 77 pages, for you all to get building something over Christmas..
Thank you for making this available. I love building and testing circuits and looking at all the different ways things are done. I did a fast run though the 77 pages. Next snowy day I will go though this book in more detail
73 and Happy Holidays to you and yours
Harry K7ZOV
What a great qrp book written and produced in such detail for both novice to expert. Its given me the inspiration to construct a qrp transceiver for 2021, Thanks again its like Christmas has come again. Best Regards M0BQH
Kind of you to present this Christmas gift. Just what is needed in these times.
Thanks es 73,