First HF Opera QSO

Yes. Opera now has a QSO mode. I had to update KComm to allow the Opera contact to be logged, so I thought I’d add ROS for good measure. You never know. 🙂

eQSL still won’t accept the mode “Opera” as it hasn’t yet been added to the ADIF specification. It remains to be seen whether the mode catches on. It’s an obvious rival to JT65A but the JT mode has a lot more users. Opera is not time-synchronous and allows a bit more free-text flexibility.

By the way, have any of you Blogger users noticed that you can’t insert GIF images into blog posts any more? When I try, I just get an empty box. I have to save all my images as JPG which is not a very efficient format for screenshots.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “First HF Opera QSO”

  • charles wx4cb:

    try png’s gif is a licensed format that has it’s ermm.. issues, png is much better and free

  • Omer Fournier AD7DY:

    Well, I got my Extra ticket when it was still neccessary to do 5wpm CW, and until I read these two posts, thought I was pretty smart, a ‘real Ham’. I must confess I have no clue what either of you are talking about!! In a few short years, digital has really advanced. Guess I better get out my 2012 ARRL Handbook, and do some studying! Keep up the good work, and 73!

    Omer, AD7DY

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