Episode 207- Icom IC-2730 Review
In this episode, Martin M1MRB / W9ICQ is joined by Ed Durrant DD5LP and Andy Mace M0MUX to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief, and this episodes feature is a review of the Icom IC-2730 Review by Chris Howard M0TCH.
- Radio Ham Licensed for 75 years
- Remote Controlled Short-Wave Receiver
- Belgium gets WRC15 5 MHz allocation and 4m extension
- 434 MHz Balloon Flies over North Africa
- G0KSC Wins RSGB Award Again
- Millions of UK TVs to Become Obsolete
- School SSTV CubeSat to Deploy from ISS
- UK Space Spectrum Strategy Consultation