Elecraft Taking Orders for K10
On the heels of the first KX3 shipping last week, Elecraft announced that it will begin taking orders for a new transceiver, the K10. The rig is intended to continue the Elecraft radio lineage, known for its high quality and performance. Specifications are not yet available for the rig, nor is a feature list as the rig has yet to be prototyped or designed. Several amateurs speculated that the rig will have both CW and phone capabilities and will cover all HF bands and 6 meters. More daring prognosticators predicted the rig would be 12 volt powered and have a built in antenna tuner option. Elecraft fans appear to be equally split on whether the K10 would be a kit, a real kit, or pre-assembled.
Immediately upon the announcement, eHam created a reviews area for the new transceiver and several reviews of it were posted shortly thereafter. Harold, KA3KXS, gave a glowing review noting that the rig will “probably look nicer and perform better than the overrated Yaesu FT DX 5000 or the marginal Icom IC-7800″, though he admitted to never operating either rig.
Asian markets reacted positively to the Elecraft announcement with the Nikkei index up nearly 21%. Europeans were equally enthusiastic with rallies in nearly all European markets. EU officials who have been suffering for a long time for the first time in months had a rosy economic outlook for Europe. Here in the US, both the NASDAQ and New York stock exchanges experienced furious trading, with both markets up over 37% at the closing bell. NASA recorded slight anomalies in the orbits of the moon, Venus, and Mars.
Meanwhile, Ebay was flooded with listings for new in-the-box Elecraft KX3 units, with sellers indicating that yet to be received rigs were being sold to raise money to purchase K10s. As of this writing, bids on several KX3s had exceeded list price by over 180%.
The announcement promises to make for a lively and exciting Dayton Hamvention® this year, with the ham community abuzz about the K10. Several participants have coordinated a “K10 Room” where attendees can sit on the floor and silently meditate, imagining what the rig will be like.

Happy April’s Fool’s Day.
April Fools? I don’t think so. This seems way too real for some reason.
73, Bob K0NR
Not to mention that 143 new YahooGroups have been created since the announcement – each custom tailored to discuss the pros and cons of the new Elecraft offering.
73, Jeff