Eddystone EC10 receiver

When I was young (that is now a very long time ago!) I coveted the Eddystone EC10 all transistor receiver. When I first had my call I had one on loan from a local SWL. I used it on 160m AM and CW.  A few years later a friend at work managed to get me one from his dad who worked for Eddystone. This was a pre-production unit. I used it as a tunable IF for several years.

Looking back it was rubbish!  On 10m the whole band was about 0.5 inches on the dial. On MW and bands up to about 6MHz it was OK. It had a low IF and germanium transistors (OC171s). It was mechanically a nice radio, but almost all modern receivers are a lot better.

Prices on the second hand market for EC10s are very high. Even though a far from great radio they are still sought after receivers.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/ec10 .

Roger Lapthorn, G3XBM, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Cambridge, England.

One Response to “Eddystone EC10 receiver”

  • jon collins(swl):

    came across your website today.I’m an swl qth Birmingham uk last week was chatting with this man in the park about cars etc subject came up radio he used to have a ec10 around 1972 said he was a pirate! but is now a g3, 73 Jon Collins, Birmingham uk, my radio tecsun pl-660 portable. great radio usb ssb air hf etc etc

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