DX from East Andover Bike Trail

This afternoon my wife and I took a quick bike ride along the old Northern Rail route in East Andover. I worked Spain, Paraguay, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg in 20 minutes of operating.


A mile or so down the trail is an old picnic table under a couple of pine trees… it’s a perfect spot for some quick operating. I heaved a line up about 40 feet and pulled up a wire. I set up the KX3 and opened the notebook. I started on 17 meters.


There were lots of strong stations and I logged three in a row. Then I switched to 20 meters where the WAE contest was going on. I worked three more and packed up to continue the ride. Here’s the log.

10 Aug-13 2053 18.070 EA8/DL7VOA CW 599 599 Spain
10 Aug-13 2058 18.075 ZP6CW CW 579 579 Paraguay
10 Aug-13 2105 18.079 I0JX CW 549 599 Italy
10 Aug-13 2111 14.019 SP9MZH CW 599 599 Poland
10 Aug-13 2114 14.010 PG2AA CW 599 599 Netherlands
10 Aug-13 2115 14.012 LX7I CW 599 599 Luxembourg

It was such a beautiful afternoon with warm sunshine filtering through the trees as we rode along. These glorious summer days are growing precious as August advances toward September. May this weather last…

Jim Cluett, W1PID, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Hampshire, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

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