Did I CAPTCHA your attention…….

Fellow blogger's I  always like to comment on blogs and give my two cents worth about a topic....BUT.....is it just me or are these darn Captcha's getting harder and harder to decipher !! I understand about security and that our comments are to come from humans and not other computers. Having said that it seems to me that some of these Captcha's one needs divine glasses to figure out the letters. At times I fool myself thinking if I look at it long enough the letters will jump out from the blurred combinations.....!  There have been "events" of me trying up to 3 (or more)combinations to get the correct letters. To add insult to injury it wasn't bad enough bending my brain around one word now most Captcha's are two words!!
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

6 Responses to “Did I CAPTCHA your attention…….”

  • Caleb, KK4DDX:

    I totally agree with what you said. I hate them myself but their are a necessary evil in the world we live in. They should try to make them a little easier on us humans though! 🙂

    Caleb, KK4DDX

  • Matt W1MST:

    I agree. It’s why I’ve avoided implementing it despite a growing spam problem.

  • Tom. Kb3hg:

    Some are bad, Some are worse than bad, in a few cases after trying I just dropped it and sent a note to the webmaster or other contact link. I politely told them what I think about Captcha and told them I would not deal with the real screwy images. its past the point of ridiculous. It is really bad when you have registered at some sites and they have verified everything before.

    Do you have to take up drinking to see those images clearly? like drinking beer to feel smarter?

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good morning Caleb, I guess there are some evils in life we have to put up with like lineup’s at the supermarkets, rain on our day off, going to the dentist and oh yes the Captcha’s!!!

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good to hear from you Matt, it’s to bad something in the code can’t be implemented to stop spam! It would seem the Captcha’s are getting harder to read which tells me the spam folks are somehow getting around the wall. Logic tells me that soon we and the bot’s will not be able to read the Captcha’s!

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good morning Tom, save the beer for a relaxing day in the sun on the patio. As for the Captcha’s it’s a very good idea to send an email to inform them. I hope when you post on this blog you don’t have to jump through Captcha hoops?? I would hate to be writing about it then folks have to war with a Captcha to post. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

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