Can’t stay away
A new rig is a thing of beauty. Whether it be Elecraft, Kenwood, Yaesu, Icom or kit built or homebrewed, once you get it on the air, it’s definitely fun! And before the novelty wears off, quite addictive.
After watching some TV with Cara and Joey, I headed down to the shack for about another 1/2 hour of operating time before heading off to the sack. Most of that time was spent becoming familiar with knobs, functions and controls; but I also did manage to work OZ1HDF and RK3ER on 30 Meters.
Even though I now have microphones for the K3 and KX3, I doubt that I will be spending much of any time with any mode other than CW. Sending and receiving Morse is still what Amateur Radio is all about for me.
July 15th is the Sussex Hamfest up in Sussex County, NJ – which is the extreme Northwest corner of the state. The Sussex Hamfest is one of the best in the state; and normally I can’t go as we’re usually in Lake George that weekend. This year I can go and am planning on it. Some things I will need – 1/4″ to mini jack stereo adapter so that I can use my earbuds on the K3.
With the K2, I had a single, amplified speaker. I think I will have to get a set of amplified stereo speakers so that I can take advantage of the stereo sound the K3 can provide. An inexpensive set of computer speakers should do the trick and those can usually be found quite easily (and cheaply!) at hamfests.
Off to bed now, tomorrow is a work day, and unfortunately, I am anticipating tomorrow and Friday to be as bad as yesterday was.
By the way, it’s 11:30 PM and it’s still 84F (29C) – ugh! In a few of the QSOs that I had today, the ops on the other end told me that it was well over 100F (38C) at their locations, so I guess I should be grateful it wasn’t that bad here!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
I agree a new rig is the best things in life