
And so my everyday streak comes to an end.

Yesterday was one of those days at work where you just want to dig a hole, jump in and pull the hole in after yourself.  And unfortunately, due to the wonderful world of cell phones and Blackberrys, it didn’t end once I got home.

Needless to say, when all finally calmed down around 10:30 or so, I didn’t feel like getting on the radio.  All I wanted to do was go to bed. And I did.

I tried raising V31JZ on 30 Meters tonight, after coming home from a slightly better day at work;  but I could not bust through the pileup before the witching hour came and 0000 UTC occurred.  So February 9th, 2012 goes QSOless.

So, what do I do?  Pick myself up, dust myself off and start anew.  This is one of those years, where if I still make a QSO for every day for the rest of the year, I can still honestly claim that I made a QSO for 365 days of 2012.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

4 Responses to “Busted!”

  • Wayne K4WK:

    Larry, I too am attempting QSO365 (k4wk.wordpress.com) but I have a modified the rule to say “an HF qso a day everyday I am home.” This is necessary for me as I travel overnight sometimes on business or pleasure and don’t have a portable HF rig. With that proviso in effect, I have made my qso365 so far but sorry you missed one of yours.

    I run 100w normally so if you are doing it qrp, I tip my hat to you and will gladly grant you a “Mulligan!”

    73, Wayne @k4wk on twitter

  • Ernest Gregoire, AA1IK:

    Make 2 QSO’s tomorrow! The 365 doesn’t have to be one on each day, It can be a rate, of 1 per day. So if you’re sick, or away, just make up for it.

    Noble a goal as you set for yourself, sometimes life happens!


    de AA1IK

    Ernest Gregoire

  • Larry W2LJ:

    Ernest and Wayne,

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. The plan was to make a QSO a day in order to get on the air more. Even missing a day, my QSO tally compared to last year at this time is way ahead. So it is working!

    Vy 73 to you both,
    Larry W2LJ

  • W0FMS:

    Wayne, take an HT with you and do a random 2m repeater QSO. It would be good for the hobby and you might be surprised how interesting the “roving” QSOs can get.

    And for Q365.. I wish.. I wish.. I wish.. I was in a position to do that. I’ve not been on HF literally in 9 months now and it stinks.

    Larry– Keep up the good work. You know what? When you do two Q’s in one day instead, count it. Life is short.

    Fred W0FMS

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