Bands are in recovery mode

Or so it would seem.

I didn’t revisit the mountain top today, just stayed near the cabin and slapped the Buddistick atop the Jeep.  I garnered a QSO with Sam K9GHD on 20 Meters this afternoon.  There was a lot of QSB, but we were still able to manage a QSO.

Sam was using his IC-746 at 5 Watts to a dipole and he was a good 549.  We chatted for a bit and then I went QRT to enjoy the lake for our last day here at Lake George.

This week went buy way too fast. I love it up here and am going to miss it until we come back up here next summer.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “Bands are in recovery mode”


    What do you use to attach your buddistick to your vehicle . I was not aware they could take highway speeds , Chuck

  • Larry W2LJ:


    I use one of those Lakeview Tri-magnet mounts; but only while stationary! Not while moving. I find the car body to serve as an excellent ground plane and seem to get better results than when using a mast and the counterpoise wire.

    Larry W2LJ

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