Back home

Back from holidays in the South of France. We had a fine time over there. The weather was good, and at night cool temperatures. Just right for a good night sleep. I put up my HyEndFed antenna for 20 meter. The portable whips were useless because I forgot the bring a good counterpoise what’s needed for optimal work. But the end fed was good. I just found out that my hand is not capable for a good straight qso with the straight key. What a sloppy keying. I am spoiled over the years with my electronic keyers. So it was only SSB on 20 meter. In the weekend there is only contest activity so I worked only at week days. Of course conditions were poor. And it was sometimes too hot for activity on air. But I could get my signal out between all those mountains. Though only Europe. No DX.

I had a wonderful qso with Lucy M6ECG/QRP/P from the beach (M6 East Coast Girl) she was using 7 watts from an Icom 703 and I was using my FT817 with 5 watts on July 24. And, my noise floor was SØ, unbelievable! I did hear a lot of SSB QRP stations. The noise floor at home is S9 on 20 m.

Also was July 22 a great day for short skip qso on 20 meter. Also worked Tommy EI2HXB, Leo PA3GVW, John MØELS, Detlef DK2NE, Tony MVØRIF, Gerard PD3GT, Per SMØFSM, G1ØØRSGB and EJØPL. Thanks to all those hams to pull out my little signal on 20m.

Paul Stam, PC4T, is a regular contributor to and writes from the Netherlands. Contact him at [email protected].

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