ARRL DX Contest questions
I see that the ARRL DX CW contest is next weekend. I haven’t decided yet whether I will come on and give away a few points, nor whether I will operate QRP or run 100 watts. I think it will depend on propagation.
One thing I am unsure about is what exchange to send. I believe DX stations – which means me in this context – are supposed to send RST and power.
If I’m running QRP (5 watts) do I send “5NN 5” or “5NN 005” or even “5NN TT5”?
If I’m running 100 watts would I send “5NN 100” or “5NN 1TT” or even “5NN ATT”? These short form numbers confuse me a bit. I’ve heard 1 being sent as A, and 0 (zero) being sent as the letter “O”. Or at least, I think I have.
If I change the power as I normally do and run 100W only when it is needed do I send the actual power I am using or stick to the same exchange (100W) throughout the contest?
Do I work only US stations or will all stations, even Europeans, benefit from working me with a point?
Great questions, Julian!
First of all, the ARRL DX contest is everybody else works USA and Canada only. USA and Canada don’t work each other. “DX” (as we call you all) don’t work each other, either. KH/KL/KP are all DX for this contest also.
You will hear literally everything sent for power. As a stateside station, what do I prefer that QRPers send? 5nn 5 (or whatever your actual power is)
Have fun! I hope to work you this weekend!
What I hope for is spaced words in a qso, not just onelongsentence. CW is great, so is timing.
Would like to tape so of those cut cw ops and send it back to them and see what they make of it [hi-hi].