joins opposition to SOPA/PIPA… and why you should join, too
Websites are going black on January 18th to save the Internet.
Join them by writing your senator and tell them you oppose PIPA.
Websites are going black on January 18th to save the Internet.
Join them by writing your senator and tell them you oppose PIPA.
Matt, good for you. We need to preserve are freedoms and liberties and I support you in this 100%.
Fred W0FMS
The folks who come up with these ideas never think of “The Law of Unintended Consequences”.
Larry W2LJ
Are you aware of any consequences to such action that we should be advised of?
Believe me, as an author who makes some of his income by writing books, nobody cares more about protection of intellectual property and those who would steal it via the Interent. However, this ill-advised method of trying to deal with the issue is an even bigger threat. Thanks for this protest.
Don Keith N4KC
Better to stand now, than sink later !
I’m in! My site’s will go dark tomorrow also :]
Let Freedom Reign, Forever!
73 all
I’m in too! Working on temp shutdown now.
Kelly K4UPG
I think the greater issue here is foreign control of US websites. We just can’t allow foreign websites, companies and/or governments to shut down OUR websites because of some perceived “problem.” SOPA and PIPA would both allow that.
I fully support the protection of copyright material. Like all of you I feel the current SOPA PIPA legislation is not the way to fix the issue. However, I also don’t feel that shutting your websites down is also the answer. Of course you are free to do what you please. My sites including and will all be up and operational to share the free flow of amateur radio knowledge with anyone willing to listen and read.
Again, YES I do care about protecting IP and I don’t support the current SOPA/PIPA. But I’m staying open.
73 de KD0BIK
This is another infringement on the first amendment pushed to control what and how you gather information.
The FREE FLOW of information is one of the corner stones of our liberty.
The federal government has no authority to work on this under art 1 sect 8 of the U.S. Constitution. A document to which ALL of our elected officials swore an oath to support and defend.
When you allow the government to control what you read, what you watch the maybe a Private group should enforce copy right rules in the legal system.
Censorship is not the answer. That is how Communist countries work.
The problem with SOPA and PIPA is that, in reality, they are to protect the Hollywood and Recording industry cartels. This would give them the power to accuse a site of infringing and then be blacklisted in the DNS “great firewall of America”. What will happen with this is non-cartel independent groups will get accused incessantly of infringement as a harassment technique by the favored industries. If done enough they will never be able to enter the market as entrepreneurs.
The small amount of piracy that does happen should be looked at one of the costs of enforcing the 1st Amendment. Freedom is never free.
This country is pushing “Intellectual Property” now because, well, we no longer produce goods. Other cultures such as many Asian ones don’t have that idea in their culture and probably never will adopt it. We have in the past set limits on the length that “pure ideas” can pay off because at some point you need to be productive with those ideas and/or move on. Mickey Mouse should have been in the public domain a long time ago, but as long as we can shove flawed ideas about “IP forever” around, we can profit? Well maybe but we are no longer the only fish in that sea in the US….
We also are trying to leverage this into controlling other nation’s websites, which we do not have business to do. It’s overarching as evil as written and the protests are justified.
Fred W0FMS