Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 70
ARRL Board approves dues hike
The ARRL Board of Directors has approved a $10 increase in the League’s annual dues rate.
My first SOTA Activation
It’s OK to screw up. After all, I’m sitting on a slab of granite, with a 5-watt radio, tapping out code on a straight key, on a fricking mountain!
Working DL8DJM aeronautical mobile
Aeronautical Mobile contacts are pretty rare and the team in the gazebo fell silent as Johannes DL8DJM/AM told us that he was flying from Edinburgh to South Italy, about 100km from Amsterdam at 43,000ft.
Essex Ham
[PDF] The RF telecommunications system for New Horizons
This paper describes the design and development of the RF telecommunications system for the New Horizons mission, NASA’s mission to Pluto.
The Johns Hopkins University
USA Ham Radio License offered in UK
A group of ARRL certified Volunteer Examiners (VEs) will be hosting a USA ham radio exam night.
Lunar Eavedropping
In 1969 Larry Baysinger independently detected signals from the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface.
Jefferson Community & Technical College
Ham fined $22,000 for malicious interference
Operator fined for causing intentional interference with other Amateur Radio communications and for failing to identify.
PSAT PSK31 experimental software
Software allows your transmitted signal to drift exactly opposite to uplink Doppler effect.
Pentoo: Linux distro with GNU Radio and HackRF support
Pentoo is a Linux distribution with full support for the HackRF software defined radio and GNU Radio
Near Vertical Incidence Skywave is an ionospheric skip operating technique that directs the strongest signals from a station vertically, or upward, rather than toward the horizon.
Ham Radio School
How to
EME on a budget
Moonbounce for the rest of us introduces EME and highlights operational basics and propagation.
Budget APRS mapping solution and portable battery box
This is one of several “homemade” APRS rigs that I cobbled together over the last year.
Getting started with the HackRF SDR
Shannon starts up the HackRF to show some of it’s capabilities. Follow along and learn about this new software defined radio peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals!