Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 292

Amateur Radio Weekly

New Packet Radio
IP over 430MHz Ham Radio, 50 to 500kbps, 20W RF. Extension for HSMM-Hamnet-AREDN.
New Packet Radio

Solar cycle 25s maximum might arrive earlier and hit harder
The current solar cycle has a forecasted peak sometime in 2025.

Field Day with 4 AA batteries
I used a tiny rig that fits in a 3 X 5 inch box and runs on 4 AA batteries.

Hamsat: Working the birds? Let the world know
Post an activation alert when you plan to be on a satellite.

It is possible to have an RF-quiet home PV (solar) electric system
For the past several years an incremental nemesis of Amateur Radio operation on the HF bands is solar power.

Roll your own tube tester
Not comprehensive, but good enough most of the time.

Art installation listens to zombie satellites.

Receiving unintentional voice transmissions from GPS satellites
Malicious pirates may be actively using these SAR repeaters for their own communications.


Short Film: Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society
This Ham focused film won a top award at the 2023 Doric Film Festival.
Scots Radio

Hamvention 1987
Destination Dayton is a video shot by myself and WB0CMC on 8mm camcorders and edited at WOWT Channel 6 in Omaha in 1987.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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