A spring day stolen from winter – a chance for some satellite QSOs
After the appalling weather of the last few weeks – the storm on Friday/Saturday was probably the worst windstorm I can remember here – today dawned sunny and still. And mild!
I decided to take advantage and see if I could make some garden portable satellite QSOs. The first useful pass was from FO-29. I decided to try it half duplex rather than dragging everything out for the full duplex kit. Perhaps I should have done! I called CQ but no QSOs. I did hear EA6VQ and a DL5 on CW (whose call I’ve forgotten!) quite nicely. Had I had the full duplex kit going, I could have hopefully tuned around and make the contacts. Never mind!
Next pass was SO-50. I’m not usually so optimistic about SO-50 passes at weekends as they can be quite busy and chaotic, but I thought I would listen anyway. CT2GOY was the first station heard, working a Frenchman. The QSO finished and I dropped my call in and worked him for the first time. Next station heard was EA6VQ – obviously having a satellite morning too! He had a couple of QSOs before I was able to work him, which I was delighted about – my first Balearic Islands QSO on satellite.
I missed the the next FO-29 pass somehow – doing a little work in the garden – and what a pleasure it was to be outside again! My last SO-50 pass of the morning and my window for activity was quite a low one up to the North – maxing at around 15 degrees. Those can sometimes be a bit of a challenge with my 5W and handheld gear but anyway, I heard a couple of SP stations that I missed and then worked OH2FQV – always a nice QSO.
We have to pop out this afternoon, so no more opportunity to be outside with the gear – but feels nice to have been out there!