How-To: Send Perfect Morse Code by Hand (Vintage Video)

What is the proper (and most efficient) technique for creating Morse code by hand, using a manual Morse code key? Ham radio operators find Morse code (and the ‘CW’ mode, or ‘Continuous Wave’ keying mode) very useful, even though Morse code is no longer required as part of the licensing process. Morse code is highly effective in weak-signal radio work. And, preppers love Morse code because it is the most efficient way to communicate when there is a major disaster that could wipe out the communications infrastructure.

While this military film is antique, the vintage information is timeless, as the material is applicable to Morse code, even today.


More about Morse code, at my website:

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2 Responses to “How-To: Send Perfect Morse Code by Hand (Vintage Video)”

  • Dex, W4DEX:

    Hard to believe those ancient looking videos were made three years after I was first licensed.


  • Neil, w0yse:

    Those videos were well done. I enjoyed watching part of each one.
    Long live CW !!

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