Posts Tagged ‘Memorial’

USS Pampanito, NJ6VT, Is On The Air [VIDEO]

I didn’t post anything yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well, so to make up for it I give you this. Southgate ARC has a story posted about the USS Pampanito, a World War II Balao class Fleet submarine, that is docked at pier 45 at Fisher Man’s Wharf in San Fransisco. They have an Amateur Radio station on board and it’s on the air.The Pampanito has been converted into a museum and memorial back in 2007, that is open daily. During WWII, the vessel made six patrols of the Pacific ocean and sunk six Japanese ships and damaged four others. One of the stops on the tour of the Pampantio is the radio room, where the Amateur Radio station is setup. Rem, K6BBQ, has made a video of the radio room showing some Hams making contacts from the submarine. Rem says about the video, “..I’ve added some special effects to go along with the Pampanito’s WWII history.”

This kind of reminds me of the USS Slater, that is docked here in Albany, NY. Here is Rem’s video. Enjoy.


Rich also writes a Tech blog and posts stories every Tuesday and Thursday on Q103, The Rock of Albany’s website, as well as Amateur Radio stories every Monday thru Friday on AmiZed Studios and hosts a podcast called The Kim & Rich Show with his fiance’ Kim Dunne.

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