Amateur Radio Crucial to Healthcare Reform

Yesterday President Obama shocked everyone at a follow-up press conference on healthcare reform by acknowledging a connection between amateur radio and the healthcare reform plan just signed.

"Today the Shortwave Intelligence Task Force, a part of the CIA, intercepted radio transmissions in what is known as '80 meters', an amateur radio communications band.  Several amateur radio hams discussed the details in the healthcare reform package to harvest organs from aging ham radio operators."  Upon hearing this the press corp chuckled but was interrupted by Obama who raised his hand and gave a serious look across the audience.  "The claims are true.  Amateur radio operators are crucial to healthcare reform.  A large portion of healthcare costs are due to patients with failing organs and there just aren't enough organ donations to support the growing need.  Nearly every other modern civilized country in the world has universal healthcare.... and they all harvest organs from their ham radio operators."

The media, understandably, was abuzz after the announcement.  CNN reported last night that they attempted to determine the exact source of the amateur radio transmissions in order to interview the radio amateurs who discovered the sinister plan, but were unsuccessful, noting the amateurs were part of a secret organization known simply as "Four Land".  On Fox "News", Glenn Beck spent the first half of his daily TV show explaining the difference between broadcast radio and ham radio and them proceeded to sob uncontrollably for the remaining half hour mumbling something about his kidneys.  Rush Limbaugh, who has been off the air for the past week attempting to find a new home in a country that, in his words "has running water and electricity but not socialized medicine", didn't do a live radio show but I'm curious what he has to say.

ARRL praised the plan on their website but reminded amateurs that they could not receive renumeration for donating organs while on the air.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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