What is wrong with this picture???

I am operating in the CW CQWPX contest today and just can't contact anyone. Yesterday all was good but today NOTHING at all. Have a look at the above picture and see if you can see what's wrong. It took me some time as I kept overlooking the obvious.
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

12 Responses to “What is wrong with this picture???”

  • Ron N8WCR:

    I’m not familiar with that rig, however does the red TX and the 1.000 underneath it has anything to do with it?

  • Bob VE3ETE:

    Hi Mike, posing a test for us hey!? Glad to see the Attenuation is off, but why do you have the pre-amp(s) off as well? When the cond’x get bad I find the preamps 1 & 2 help quite a bit. The only other thing I can see is that you may be working split when you want to be working direct/simplex. Hoping you haven’t inadvertently turned your power down completely as well.

    73 Bob VE3ETE

  • Logan, KE7AZ:

    Not familiar with the display, but why does it say “USB” under the time? Is that the mode? If so, I can understand your difficulty making CW contacts.

  • Pat N4ZAX:

    The “RFG” in Red is showing, maybe you turned the RF/SQL knob to far to the left and dropped your RF Gain to low to hear any QSO’s???

  • John N8FYL:

    XIT is active and so your signal is probably not in the passband of the station you are calling. Been there, but only at 0.060 or 0.080 off 🙂

    73, John

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Good evening Ron and all I can say regarding your reply is BINGO! For some reason I had the RIT/XIT on, and I was transmitting 1KC above my receive frequency. I am not sure how this happened but it just did and it messed me up for sometime. The rig is the Icom 7610.
    73 and have a great rest of the week.

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Good evening Bob very nice to hear from you and yes what the heck why not a test……Yes the attenuation is off and as for the preamp I have a very low noise floor here and I use the RF gain to bring up the noise floor to the sweet spot. The power was set to 100 watts and I could see that on my Diawa meter. For some reason I had turn on the XIT and was transmitting 1kc above my receive. It took me about 10 minute to clue into this and was not sure how it happened.
    73 and thanks for stopping by with your input.

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Good evening Logan very nice to hear from you, the display is from my Icom 7610 and yes the USB indication can be very confusing. The other day I was operating CW and saw this very USB indication as well and was confused as I was in CW mode and making contacts. Get this…..the Icom does have a few USB ports and I had a thumb drive in one of the ports, so I could take some screenshots. When the thumb drive is inserted the Icom display it indicates “USB” which can be very confusing. I actually somehow turned on my XIT and was transmitting 1KC above my receive frequency. This is indicated by the red delta TX on the display.
    Thanks for your input Logan.

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Good evening Pat and very nice to hear from you, the “RFG” on the Icom 7610 indicates the RF gain is on and I use this to find the sweet spot on the waterfall. This will allow the noise floor adjustment to show the weak signals. I have seen YouTube videos on how this works and I have tried it and it works great.
    Pat thanks very much for your input and the reading of the blog.

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Thanks for your input John and thanks for taking the time to comment and all I can say is BINGO!! I was glad to read that I am not alone regarding this hiccup and it sure did send me on a long hunt to see that was up.

  • Barry Bogart VE7VIE:

    Just goes to show how complicated transceiver interfaces have become! I have enough trouble with my KX3. Maybe I won’t look at that new 705 after all.

    72, Barry

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Easy Barry don’t jump ship on the 7610 it’s a great radio but with all radios there is a learning curve.

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