Busy busy busy!

Good afternoon to all my blog readers that is if you have not given up on me and my lack of posting? I have been on and off the radio but not really any news out this way. I will say that this retirement gig sure keeps me busy! I am the type of person that has to be doing something, it's very hard for me to sit idle and listen to the bird's sing.  My hat goes off to those who can sit and just relax, I call it doing nothing but those who practice it call it recharging the batteries. Well maybe sometime I will get to that point but at this point in my life, I like to keep busy. Before I retired I wanted to make sure that when I did I kept busy. To accomplish this Julie and I agreed (as I drive her NUTS if I have nothing to do) to purchase a fixer-upper home. Funny thing when you mention that to a real estate agent their version of a fixer-upper is what I call a "dump"!

We ended up getting a place that needs some "remodelling" and some outdoor stuff done and just enough to keep me busy. There was some outdoor medium to major projects I wanted to complete before the snow flies and down here on the East coast that can be very soon. The projects are now finished but unfortunately, it had put my ham radio activities on hold for most of the summer months. Winter means indoor work and I plan to slow the pace down a bit so that I am not to really tired in the evenings. 

As I look back I have been retired for over a year now and the time is just flying. Before I retired I had a conversation with some gents who were already retired and they told me the following: 

- It is going to take some time getting used too.....very true it took me about 6 months to get into a routine. 

- You will feel less stressed..... to be honest, I did not feel stressed at the time BUT once I retired I began to realize I had become accustomed to the stress level and it was my unhealthy normal. I now can say that I really was stressed and am now much more content. 

- You will forget what day of the week it is........good lord I just can't tell you how many times I have to really stop and think of what day it is.....never thought that would be me! 

You will be busier than when you were when working fulltime........ true that!! 

I am not sure if I missed any retirement life lessons but if I did feel free to chime in. Now that fall is here it's time to slow down sure the projects are still ongoing but I am going to practice the last bit of advice my retired buddies told me that that is "If it does not get done today it can wait until tomorrow or the next day" My next retirement life lesson is going to be.....make sure I fit time in for my hobby as it too is doing something! 

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “Busy busy busy!”

  • Bryan M0IHY:

    I’m glad you listened to your friends. I’ve been retired some 9 years now (retired at 63), I now have far less time free than when I was working, and I too have to think what day of the week it is!!!
    Since COVID-19 I have continually had ‘to do’ lists that have been done and reinvented, like yourself I can’t sit still for 5 minutes.
    Since retiring I’ve taken the 3 licence exams in the UK to get my Advanced Licence and am now on the committee for our local radio club and involved with helping ‘newbies’ getting started, it’s all very exciting.
    Eventually you’ll find the level that you’re happy with, my happiness is the fact my wife (Angie M6WTL) is also licensed so we share the same hobby.
    Stay healthy, stay safe and above all stay sane!
    73 Bryan M0IHY

  • Mike VE9KK:

    Very nice to hear from you Bryan and thanks for taking the time to comment, I retired at 59 years of age. We then decided to move to the East coast from our condo in downtown town Toronto. I must say that was a very nice change! Today was really my first day getting on the radio as it was very poor weather outside so those chores had to wait. Congrats on the licence upgrades both my wife and I are British citizens and I have been looking into the 3 levels of licences there. I have to start all over for some reason if we were to move to Britain. I have the study guides from RSGB, and I am looking them over to refresh myself. Here in Canada I hold an advanced licence. The foundation and intermediate seem to be no issue but the advanced will take some refreshing for me.
    I am guessing it will take a bit more time for me to find the comfort level. I am still of the mind set that everything has to get ASAP. Very nice to read that your wife and family are licensed. As for my wife that is not happening but that is ok as she has her hobbies as well. She has about 5 years to go before she retires.
    Great hearing from you Bryan and you and your family stay safe.

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